Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This is just proof to a father-in-law and two brothers-in-law that I can sit in a tree stand and kill things. Can't wait to hear about the small rodents you kill in Wisconsin next week!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cool Video

Came across one of our church's videos. Our church showed it at Easter. It was really powerful then--and still is! Love how the Lord can speak in the art of video technology. Check it out.

Elevation Church Easter Opener from Elevation Church on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Special Guest

About mid-week, I announced to the boys that we had some special company coming this weekend. They were so excited! Grayson asked, "Is Auntie Shorty coming again?"

It wasn't Auntie Shorty this past weekend, but we did have her visit in early October. Here are some photos from her time in NC. In fact, she held down the fort while Chris and I went to the Catalyst Conference in Atlanta. She was amazing! And it's no wonder Grayson wanted her to come back--they all got to pick out new toys when she arrived (Grayson--playmobil pirate ship; Tait--legos, of course; and Ellie--shopping cart). And then I heard some stories about Transformers fruit snacks, McD's happy meal, puzzle parties and board game competitions while we were gone.

Hmmm...kinda sounds like the same kind of fun I had when I was little...when Shorty babysat me (and my siblings) while my parents were gone. You're the best, Shorty! (Especially glad you're still not afraid to threaten with a wooden spoon!)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thanksgiving coming up!

We've been talking about our Thanksgiving plans this week and I came across this cool centerpiece on another blog. I think it would be fun to make for any holiday. For the directions go here. (And by the way, I don't know these kids--just look at the craft!:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat


Thanks to some special seeds from grandparents, we grew our first pumpkin in the garden this summer. We only got one pumpkin, but it made it through the end of October, and the boys were quite excited with the size! Spent one evening this week pumpkin carving. Ellie Girl worked diligently in getting her pumpkin cleaned out. Not bad for a first-time carver! :)